From a fully integrated e-commerce website to the newly released 244-page product catalog, BD&E helps Southpaw Enterprises manage its brand and product showcasing.

With a national audience of occupational therapists, Southpaw works specifically in the development and manufacturing of sensory integration and neurodevelopmental products.

Southpaw’s Master Catalog has become the industry standard in sourcing products for this highly skilled audience in both clinical and classroom environments. This specialized market demands quality products manufactured by a dedicated and knowledgeable company.

In 2013 when BD&E first started working with Southpaw, our goal was to bring its brand to life. We refreshed its brand identity and implemented an integrated marketing communications strategy. Since then, the company has realized steady growth in sales and recently moved into a new and expanded manufacturing facility in Dayton, Ohio. BD&E is proud to partner with a company committed to improving the lives of those it serves.