Bethany College
Website Development
Web Design & Development
User Experience Design
Brand Positioning & Messaging
Research & Analytics
Prospective student focused website.
What should your website emphasize? What are users most looking for and how can you make that information accessible and compelling? Different stakeholders answer those questions differently, and it was BD&E’s job to consider and accommodate diverse input while creating a revamped Bethany College website that successfully attracts and informs students, parents and other interested or curious site visitors while highlighting the Bethany experience.

Our extensive experience in higher education gives us a uniquely informed perspective on what it means to stand out in today’s competitive and challenging market.

By deploying a better organized website that accurately conveys the true Bethany experience, we were able to improve overall traffic, concentrating on meeting the College’s admissions needs. The site directly complements and coordinates with all other College marketing materials, creating a unified brand experience.
Awards & Recognition
Educational Advertising Awards
Bronze Award