Community College of Allegheny County, ranked 22nd among all community colleges in the United States, has a 50-year track record of innovative efforts to develop a diverse, highly skilled regional workforce.
Jobs in the skilled trades are abundant, with lots of room for advancement. Careers in this sector are the ideal solution for individuals who don’t want to attend a four-year institution; who want to roll up their sleeves, train and be able to quickly join the workforce.
In order to get the word out about CCAC’s vast program offerings in the skilled trades, BD&E, a part of CCAC’s team for nearly 15 years, captured and produced a new television spot and accompanying digital banner ads. This spot features five of CCAC’s more than 30 program offerings: Automotive Technology, Welding, Mechatronics Technology, HVAC and Carpentry. This spot is currently on the airways and in movie theaters throughout the Greater Pittsburgh region.