Bash to the Future

Bash to the Future

I love special assignments, and this month was an important one. I was in charge of promoting awareness for the “Go Red” campaign for women’s heart health here at BD&E. I had the whole team pumped, and since our favorite color just happens to be red, I had a nice leg up!

Speaking of branding, did you know that we have been doing this whole branding thing for like 8 dog years (50 human years). Now that calls for a social media campaign. With me leading the pack (so to speak), the whole office got involved, working to kick off our new social media campaign. ’Cause let’s face it—not many marketing firms can say they’ve been around this long. But BD&E? We’re all top dogs. And yeah, I’ll take some of the credit.

Now, who’s got a treat for a job well done? Follow our journey to the past on Instagram or LinkedIn throughout the year!